This is the 2nd part of the story, "But he was a a perfect gentleman." I don't know how Loundah will extricate herself from the whirlpool she'd got her self in. Let's see how this will turn out in the next episode. I will see you there.
This is the first part of Love story. I used it to close my post for the year 2015. The part two of this story will open the year 2016. Please check it out.
The rough edges of life and the smooth plains are mere transience in the passage of time.
I am sharing this moment with all my pals in this platform
It is Christmas 2015. As we once again celebrate this day, lets us also reflect on the true significant of the day and our relationship with the owner of the day
These are really indecisive times in my country.
I started a discussion withe the old man last week who took me on a memory lane. We are still talking . And they are quite revealing. Mind to share with me?
As Christians all over the world prepare for yet another celebration of the birth Jesus Christ, I can't help drawing a line of what has happened to our world, contrasting what Christ did and man desire to walk in the opposite lane.
Giving expression to my thoughts: at moment of trials and perils of life what decision would one make.
Still thinking about the beauty of nature in a lonely beach, I had an unexpected visitor who took me down memory lane. Mind sharing my thoughts with me?
I look through the events of the year 2015 and glorified God for all the Amazing things He has done.
I wrote this poem as the Amadabo Of Enyumuama, a town in the Niger Delta of Nigeria whose cry of abandonment graced this forum recently. What do I do about this ancient kingdom?
When we fail to say what we are suppose to say, when it it is supposed to be said, then we have desecrated the golden rule saying silence is golden. For the gold is in the silence when it is necessary to be silence.
This is an extract from the mystery of the video. A chanced encounter in a literary program made me changed that bit. do read and compare.
That is the way it is . The Rhythm of Life
I have return to this platform to share my thoughts with you.
I just came out for a breather from a literary sabbatical. Like as I love to say, I am not a song writer, but I write the songs my soul sings. Can anyone sing this with me.
I, a once thriving community is now abandoned due to labor mobility. I am wailing to come back to life.
Time they say heals all wound. Give yourself a time to heal your pains
They say time heals all wound: Give that pain a time to be healed. Would you?
He did not know that I only had to change the battery of the clock to let it start ticking on. I looked at it hanging on the wall, regarding me soberly while obediently, giving me an accurate time schedule about my daily routine.
I am walking a slippery thoroughfare; a pilgrim in search of home where He that sits on the Throne is the King of king.
Why do I want to always expressed my feelings darkly and deeply? Where is the sun shine in life of the pen and ink?
I could feel the awesomeness of God's presence through the activities of the elements; They are patience, ticking on everyday, with precision and diligence.
This is part three of my story the Travails of the Hunter. A day in the life of the hunter in the wild.
How important our useless things could be when we lost them. This is the concluding part of the little Obedient Wall Clock.
The way we speak sometimes affect our attitude; the way we feel also affect the way we speak.