by DavidBokolo


Morbid thoughts doth make the Poet’s tools
Thriving on desolation and despairing situation
Props his imagination that feeds his pen and ink
Brought he thus deep seated imagery
To the consciousness of mere mortal

I strive to, thus reverse the order of things
I feel the joy only in my sub consciousness
To bring these thoughts out with cheerfulness
But yet again they flow out in mournful hisses
Darkening the paper yet with morbid feelings

Could this be the residual of the heart?
Inhibiting and subjecting the soul so distressfully
Life is a dramatic display of actions and reactions
Emotions we shows rarely meant what we meant
Thus we manifest in reaction the hearts actions

How then doth the Poet inglorious reaction in his thoughts
Flows from the pen in reaction to the abundance of
His thoughts, formulating into expressed feelings
With the pen and the ink such deep hidden feelings?
They mostly are not his thoughts but that of others

For he sees the same thing what others see
But understands it differently from how others do
He hears the same thing what others hear
But he perceives it differently from how others do
Thus doth the Poet and Writer lives in double

Thus doth the Poet morbidly expresses the hidden
Deep meaning from what was expressed in the
Flattery of human speech and action displayed
For they were a shadow of what was truly meant
Which he caught and expresses with his pen and ink

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