
We have not been able to to get to depth of knowledge. So we got to keep on exploring and learning until we can't take in any more, and that is very far away.


Mr David Bokolo is a veteran Chartered Administrator (Acia), with the added academic qualification of a Master’s in Marketing (MBA) whose rare insight and vision is a culmination of three-decade experience in diverse administrative capacities ranging from the Nigeria Police through the Oil Sector Human Resources Development, Environmental Management, and Conflict Resolution, and finally in Consultancy.
His passion for ICT and Education and books eventually led him to found the Hallmark Group. An author, a poet, and a deeply committed Christian, he is married to Caroline Aina Bokolo, and they have five lovely children.


The Weightless Weight

The Weightless Weight

August 3, 2015
Some times we got weight down by thoughts and imagination that do not have weight. the sooner we realize that, we'll be up and going. So says the old man

"You Ripped my Love Into Shreds"

September 11, 2015
Too much love of the cat, they say, kills the moth. Most love relationship got broken as a result of wrongly managed petty frail nerves. Like as I love to say, just musing.
Sing Me Another Love Song My Love

Sing Me Another Love Song My Love

September 15, 2015
I held on to my Love and refused to let Him go even when I feel him slipping away

"And Yet The battle Rages On"

September 23, 2015
There are many unsung Heroes whose heroism is lost in time and space
I Wish I Could Rewind The Time

I Wish I Could Rewind The Time

September 25, 2015
I wish I had Known Him many years ago, It,s not too late now though, but I wish I could rewind the time
The One Who Bears My Burden

The One Who Bears My Burden

August 27, 2015
In sequel to a previous poem, 'Sweet Memories Lingers', Good always sail over our pains if we take time to ponder.


The Queen of Ottawa and Mbellecie: Chapter 5

WOW! Thanks for your upvote and comment. Surprised to see you here.
5 years ago

Hip Hop a subculture

Hi Luis Kay, Nice piece. I didn't know you're still at Typotic. Well done.
5 years ago

My Pearl of Inestimable Value

Thanks for your comment, girovard, I will check it out there.
7 years ago

The Sun Sunk Behind a Diamond Clad Horizon

Hi, I meant to say without readers.
7 years ago

The Sun Sunk Behind a Diamond Clad Horizon

Thank you for your comment, MiniPie2000. Do share it on your site. For with readers to read our thoughts, we expressed them in vain
7 years ago

Only you can tell your story

Thank you so very much, Gregory, for your comment and suggestion. I have been trying to get in contact the 'what is essay writing service' people. I hope I will be able to chat with them. Thank you.
7 years ago


Shweta Shenoy

Shweta Shenoy

Joined: May 21, 2020
Living a Creative Life to fullest! A consultant at a day job, writer at heart all day long, who steals her moments to write her heart out each time she sets her pen on paper. Eternally passionate about writing & reading books. Published in various online publications via Medium, Spillwords, ShortStories101, and many more to go!


Joined: March 13, 2017
nelson c.j

nelson c.j

Joined: January 9, 2017
Proudly Black. Regularly Poignant. Witty. Reserved. Observant. Helplessly imaginative. And still working on it.


Joined: December 26, 2016
Hi I'm just a simple lady who likes to write!


Joined: November 6, 2016


Joined: April 8, 2016
I write for freedom I'll fight the kingdom Stop the corrupt cash Before we're all ash They just want world domination For a long forgotten nation A cult mind Just to keep us all blind


Shweta Shenoy

Shweta Shenoy

Joined: May 21, 2020
Living a Creative Life to fullest! A consultant at a day job, writer at heart all day long, who steals her moments to write her heart out each time she sets her pen on paper. Eternally passionate about writing & reading books. Published in various online publications via Medium, Spillwords, ShortStories101, and many more to go!


Joined: May 6, 2018


Joined: March 13, 2017


Joined: December 26, 2016
Hi I'm just a simple lady who likes to write!


Joined: December 1, 2016
I tend to write mainly horror fiction, often exploring the capabilities of the human animal under extreme conditions. I believe the feral man is the most intriguing beast, and when cornered, capable of anything. Most of my stories deal with mankind's illusion of decency running headlong into complete and total chaos.I also enjoy writing poetry, dark and otherwise, as well as some humor and sci-fi.


Joined: April 8, 2016
I write for freedom I'll fight the kingdom Stop the corrupt cash Before we're all ash They just want world domination For a long forgotten nation A cult mind Just to keep us all blind