Her Gaze on Him

by Kazue Tsubasa
Ending the last sentence with a small yawn, she closed the file and placed it on the other stack of files.

He was really exhausted, so he decided it was time for a break. Her slender fingers left the pen and went to support her chin. She let his mind go blank as she looked around the room absentmindedly. Sounds of rustling papers caught her attention as her chestnut-brown eyes slowly wandered to the couch where he is sitting on. He was looking through the small stack of paper which most likely are his homework. She has long forgotten that he have been in the room since hours ago.

The brunette's gaze slowly creeped up and settled on his arms. Gosh, he'll never get sick of watching those arms. They look so warm and strong. And then there's his broad chest, resulting in the stretched white flag shirt. All these reminded him of when they worked out together, those muscles rippling because of the weights and made his heart ripple too. It was glistening in sweat and quivering a little. She was tempted to tore off the shirt hiding his glorious body.

A tiny and almost unnoticed tint of pink painted her cheeks. It was time to move on then. She tore his gaze of the raven and picked her pen up just to twirl it around with her fingers. Without her noticing, her gaze was once again glued to the raven. Staring at his sideburns and smiling a little, he moved on to his lips.

She couldn't help but get a little breathless. His lips have always been the feature he loved the most. It was so deliciously sexy he fell into a daze watching them. The way it curls up into his usual smirk doesn't seem to be any less attractive either. Wait what? A smirk?

The brunette snapped out of her daze and sensed something different. Subconsciously, she looked up. Her heart stopped for a second there as if electricity shot through her whole body from head to toes. Her brown eyes met dark ones. He was staring, right at her. His gaze was intense. Her heart resumed back to its beating, but it was so much faster it felt like her heart was going to leap out.

Her whole face flamed up and turned red. She was sure she saw a mischievous glint lit his dark eyes and his lips curled up into a wider smirk before she looked away swiftly.

She hear footsteps.

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Manahill Naik

Manahill Naik

June 30, 2015 - 11:53 aahhhhhhhhhhhhhh so cool xD... beautiful :P :P
Kazue Tsubasa

Kazue Tsubasa

June 30, 2015 - 12:07 Haha xD thanks :p ;)
Manahill Naik

Manahill Naik

June 30, 2015 - 12:08 lol ure welcome


July 3, 2015 - 12:33 well written...enjoyed it =)
Kazue Tsubasa

Kazue Tsubasa

July 3, 2015 - 17:11 Thank you so much fairy! :DDD

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