65 Valentines

65 Valentines
by davidehrgott

a love poem

How To Rig An Election

How To Rig An Election

by davidehrgott

A state of the union addressed



by davidehrgott

a poem of yesterday band godess



by davidehrgott

love poem

Killer Kiss

Killer Kiss

by davidehrgott

A poem of awareness



by davidehrgott

a prose of asmusement

No Hope Now

No Hope Now

by davidehrgott

disscust at evil politicians

Betty And Jane

Betty And Jane

by davidehrgott

story of local library

A Lot More Rock

A Lot More Rock

by davidehrgott

the old wishing they were young song

Mr. Santa

Mr. Santa

by davidehrgott

Christmas eve song

I'll Try Again

I'll Try Again

by davidehrgott

how frustrating writing can be at times



by davidehrgott

love for nation/hate the government sort of rant

Rudolph's Venison

Rudolph's Venison

by davidehrgott

A tale for the holidays

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Monkey See, Monkey Do

by davidehrgott

the typo if in spoken word of a toddler