In a class, there was a teacher trying to teach her students the basic of mathematics. The story goes like this . . .
Teacher: Today, I'm going to teach you all subtraction and addition.
The teacher started writing on the blackboard with a white colored chalk.
Teacher: Anybody knows, what's the answer to, when 1+1=?
Student (a boy): Teacher it becomes 11.
Teacher: No it's not 11 the answer is 2.
Student: How is that even possible? Clearly when you add 1 next to another 1 it becomes 11!
Teacher: I get what you mean, but it's not like that. Now move on to another question. What is the answer when 1divides 1=?
The same student raised his hand.
Student: The answer is 1111 teacher!
Teacher: How can you get the answer that much?
Student: When you divided 1, automatically the number one becomes 11. It's like you're slicing that number 1 in the middle and it has a twin. Which means, there are 4 twins of number 1 altogether! Which makes the answer 1111!
Teacher: No! No! No! You're answer is wrong! I don't know where did you learn all of this boy. You better work on your maths skills.
Student: Teacher, how many eyes do you have?
Teacher: Of course I have two! What do you think I am? A pirate?
Student: You're wrong. You have four eyes! Including your glasses. I bet you don't see that because you're too focused on finding my mistakes.
Teacher: Get out of my class now!
September 14, 2016 - 18:13 hehehehehehe . . . . lolDanielBergmann
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