Lost in an Adventure!

by M.D Khamil
Part 1 - A Dream

Frank loved his yacht so much that he loved it more than he loved himself. Working as a newspaper editor has been part of his life. There was no news he did not know about. Sometimes he had to bring his work at home just to complete it early before the deadline. More news meant more time to be spent on the computer. It has always been his interest sailing around by the sea in the weekends. He would sail in every chance he got. He has been sailing in the Hawaiian sea, Miami Beach and New Jersey’s Long Beach Island. Now he was thinking about sailing by the Caribbean Sea.

Part 2 - Two Months Later

At long last Frank arrived on sunny day at the Caribbean Sea. The water was so beautiful, crystal blue, and the sand was white as snow. His yacht was waiting ready to be sailed, waiting for his master to bring her into a wonderful journey of the ocean. Frank brought along his essential tools, fishing rods, clothes and some food and drinks. He never thought of having to stay on the open yacht though, but just in case something happened in his journey, at least those stuff he brought along could give him a helping hand. The breeze of the ocean was so majestically calm, as if the gentle blew of the wind lead Frank to his next destination.

Part 3 - Portal

But not for long, a storm from a far horizon was maddening. Frank could see the darken skies over the distant came nearer and nearer as he sailed towards the storm. Frank had to steer and change the direction. But unfortunately there is something as if trying to pull the yacht towards the storm and he could not steer the yacht. He moved towards the storm from a slow motion to a sudden fast speed sailing like a ship without its pilot forcing the Yacht to its dreadful and fateful end. From about 500 meters from the raging storm, there was a gigantic sea swirl, like a huge tornado. Frank was taken aback, he wanted to escape the Yacht but the ocean wave and current were too strong and dangerous. He would not be able to stay for long and drowned. Frank dared not to take the risked. Within few seconds, Frank reached the gigantic water swirl, spinning around before getting drowned into the center, the eye. Frank prayed, scared and wished for dying in a painless death.

Part 4 - The Other Side

“Am I dead?” First question came out from Frank’s thought. He slowly woke up. To his amazement, he was standing in the bottom of the ocean. He could breathe under the water, and what makes it so unique that the ocean looks like a small town. There was building made of shipwrecks, clamps and even the sand, looked like it has been hardened! There was also some sort of transportations, where they used whales and dolphins as if they were horses. Then came to him two small figures about an average size of a ten-year-old child. One figure was in a square like shape colored in yellow, while the other one shaped like a star and colored in pink. It was then the yellow figure started talking, “Hello sir! ARE YOU NEW HERE? We never saw you before. Oh by the way my name is Spongebob and this is my friend Patrick.” ‘Nice to meet you, you strange looking sir! Haha, haha!” Patrick laughed. Frank was speechless. All he could say was “You guys are not real! Noo!!”
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