It's so easy to write
about certain things,
strangers and pets.
Intriguing subjects
such as icons and
the hypocrites.
Words and echoes of words
from the past crawled
slowly like a rough caress,
pulling the tangled web
I had woven over the years.
Like a maggot to fly transformation
learning how to waltz in my brain
It's forcing me to jot down
all the memories worth keeping
similar to last supper painting.
Fear,Shame and Rejection
My ego cannot take those three
If I write about my vulnerable story
I'd rather tell yours his and hers
but to write about me is maddening
because I scarcely knew the real me.
The echoes of words has departed.
I'm at ease now and feeling absolutely ordinary.
Manahill Naik
August 1, 2015 - 13:47 beautifully expressed :)