Those Who Doesn´t Listen

Those Who Doesn´t Listen
by purpletears

There´s no use in faking perfection

For That..(Feeling)

For That..(Feeling)
by purpletears

It is not going to hurt you

Enjoying It (for Her) PART 4

Enjoying It (for Her) PART 4
by purpletears

The beginning of a love story

How could I know?

How could I know?
by purpletears

Nobody know about the future

Enjoying It (for Her) PART 3

Enjoying It (for Her) PART 3
by purpletears

They don´t know anything

Go Rest

Go Rest
by purpletears

Your time is over

Enjoying It (for Her) PART 2

Enjoying It (for Her) PART 2
by purpletears

No, she wasn´t interested in those things...

At Night (You Can See)

At Night (You Can See)
by purpletears

At night you can see the most beautiful things.

Enjoying It (for Her) PART 1

Enjoying It (for Her) PART 1
by purpletears

Kathy and her choice of having fun

The King of the Backyard

The King of the Backyard
by purpletears

Nothing but the king

Take Your Heart

Take Your Heart
by purpletears

Don´t let anyone harm it.

The Question

The Question
by purpletears

What would you do?

Who can...?

Who can...?
by purpletears

Tell me, who can forget it?

Tangled Into

Tangled Into
by purpletears

Tangled into nothing

No Truth

No Truth
by purpletears

There´s no absolute truth

Nothing Behind

Nothing Behind
by purpletears

Sometimes, all you see is all there is.

Not Only Seven

Not Only Seven
by purpletears

I don´t like only seven things about you.

Your Stars

Your Stars
by purpletears

Your eyes, your beautiful stars

I Know You Try

I Know You Try
by purpletears

I believe in yo,u darling

Girl...Lost? (part 10)

Girl...Lost? (part 10)
by purpletears

Was she finally back home?

Day After Day

Day After Day
by purpletears

Soemthing happens...

Girl...Lost? (part 8)

Girl...Lost? (part 8)
by purpletears

The earth kept moving

Girl... Lost? (part 1)

Girl... Lost? (part 1)
by purpletears

An strange trip begins

Girl...Lost? (part 7)

Girl...Lost? (part 7)
by purpletears

Earth was shaking!

Girl...Lost? (part 4)

Girl...Lost? (part 4)
by purpletears

Is the reflection telling the truth?