Girl...Lost? (part 8)

by purpletears
The earth kept moving, as if the whole place were about to get thorn in two. The trees and the flowers of the place looked as if they were made of paper.
“Oh, my god! This is really the end”, the blonde woman gasped, being unable to stand still.
The ground made a cracking noise, and a fissure began opening in the ground. It only took a few seconds for that earth rupture to turn into a big crack.
As if it were one of those special black holes, everysingle thing on that place began falling into the big crack.
Little animals, plants and tress disappeared inside that mysterious gap. There was no use on trying to fight against it. All form of life was getting sucked by that void.
“No, I can´t fall”. Alice cried, but it was too late to ask for some kind of mercy.
A young woman ended up being dragged inside of a never-ending void. Just like pale ghosts, memories of her present and past lovers passed her by. There was not present or past anymore
“I just want to stop spinning”, she screamed.
As she said so, the earth stood still. There was no more movement...Was it over?
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