Girl...Lost? (part 9)

by purpletears
Alice was so dizzy from all that spinning, she was unable to open her eyes up. Even more, she couldn´t put her ideas in order. All inside her head was a turmoil of fragmented thoughts.
“Where am I? Please, somebody tell me I am back home!” she thought.
But she was wrong. As soon as the blonde opened her eyes up, she realized that the void took her to an even stranger place, in which there was nothing. Absolutely nothing. It looked just like an empty canvas, waiting to be filled with color.
“Is this a nightmare? Please, somebody wake me up!” the blonde screamed among tears.
This time, there was nothing to hold onto. Nobody to hear somebody´s screams. A nerver-ending reign of emptiness was that siyte.
It was too much for her to handle. She couldn´t even stay still, so when she tried to move her feet, ended up falling.
“Please… I can´t deal with this anymore”, she mumbled
As soon as the blonde woman hit the floor, a crack opened up at her feet. Without giving it a second thought, Alice jumped inside of it. Again, that terrible sensation hit her slim body. Everything began spinning again. It wasn´t over yet.
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