
by purpletears

I am waiting

Don´t Blame

Don´t Blame
by purpletears

Don´t blame others

Up to Now

Up to Now
by Lorenzo A. Fernandez Jr.

Up to now I still have to use my head
To tell you I’m mad.
I must ignore the turmoil...


So Easy

So Easy
by Lorenzo A. Fernandez Jr.

It’s so easy to write. Just make your poems,
essays, stories, novels, plays, serious and
socially committed, as the canaille and...

Love destined to Heaven

Love destined to Heaven
by Akanksha Chowdhury

Being in love has never been enough. Love caters to several wider networks too, like the societal acceptance. Yet love rises above from all such problems to make its place in the Heaven........no wonder why it is so beautiful!

Healing Silence

Healing Silence
by purpletears

It wasn´t so worthless


by Jack50rko

Are we sinners not worth salvation?

My Father, The Pigeon

My Father, The Pigeon
by nesbitandgibley

In the face of death, some remain strong and go out with a bang.



by The Veil of Midnight

I found my light.


Enclosed in a cocoon

Enclosed in a cocoon
by Akanksha Chowdhury

Marvelling at the beauty when I was a child. I am ever thankful to mummy and papa for making ME happen. That it will never come back makes it so beautiful.....

Pied piper of pride dedicated to fuck you

Pied piper of pride dedicated to fuck you

by Valis

This piece is about an abusive relationship I was in. Writing about the scars helps them to heal. I write these particular pieces in hopes that they will help someone in the same situation find their way out.

The Old Man's Anchor

The Old Man's Anchor
by nesbitandgibley

Old age means nothing to the man who adopts a still lifestyle only when he's dead. This is an ode to living life to it's fullest.

Up The Gene Tree

Up The Gene Tree
by nesbitandgibley

We often forget that the reason we are here today is because of the survival and reproduction of our ancestors. Our time now is very different.

Can a Soul..?

Can a Soul..?
by purpletears

Just an interesting question

The Tenant

The Tenant
by nesbitandgibley

Humans live among the tiny mice - we never truly know who our neighbours are!

If the Lamb had not died?

If the Lamb had not died?
by DavidBokolo

The moon cast its pale light upon the landscape; Throwing an ominous glow upon mount Olivet: The vegetation on the meadows lays sprawled out And the grasses and flowers on the field thus mourn. Someone paid a prize steeply contrasting to His deeds.

Watchful Eyes

Watchful Eyes
by purpletears

More than only a pet.


When I fell for you :)

When I fell for you :)
by Manoj Barman

first your eyes doing the job at me
after that, your smile
fills me up with glee...

Bad Guy

Bad Guy
by purpletears

Was he really that bad?

Silvery Spell

Silvery Spell
by purpletears

We need your help


by Dahmie

Today, I was lost
Thinking about us
When we were in love...

Fill My Glass

Fill My Glass
by purpletears

Enjoy it, children of the night.

Shy Soul

Shy Soul
by purpletears

Ramblings of a shy soul

Please, Rainclouds

Please, Rainclouds
by purpletears

I am asking you for one thing...