The Year 1983 was not an Eldorado in Nigeria

by DavidBokolo

Torn between two world of the same inhabitants
I surrendered myself and got lost into societal reverie
The mangled images of the year 1983 sailed across
My sub consciousness, sending a chill down my spine
The year 1983 was not an Eldorado in Nigeria

They were not images of blossom boom of nation’s pride
They were not the refreshing freshness of the year before it
They were not adoring azure of the people’s expectations
There was no messiah that has come to judge the nation
The year 1983 was not an Eldorado in Nigeria

It was a year of regimented reign as in the dark ages
The weeping of hungry babies to wearied mother
On account of nonessential of essential commodities
Assailed my sub consciousness, jolting me into 2015
The year 1983 was not an Eldorado in Nigeria

How time flies and the memory of men short
What gods have goaded us in the 21st century
Into a resemblance of 1983 regimentation?
Talks were whispered for fear of the Jackboots
The year 1983 was not an Eldorado in Nigeria

Where the changing skin of the currency
And its resultant effects upon the psychic
Of the inhabitants left a sour taste in the bud
The aura has pervaded us with its dark clouds till date
The year 1983 was not an Eldorado in Nigeria.

I’ll muse with my thoughts which I’m at liberty to do
The freedom to juggle with thoughts is nature own
Way of the liberty He allows us to choose what’s right
It’s man’s own freedom also to choose what’s wrong
2015, prove me wrong to be the Eldorado in Nigeria

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November 21, 2015 - 13:58 Very interesting to read something about Nigeria....we only know what we see and read in the news.


November 21, 2015 - 20:52 For those of us that are witnessing those things first hand, we can only tell them in the thoughts we share. Thanks V.
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November 21, 2015 - 20:47 comment has been removed


November 22, 2015 - 09:26 Yes, same here, don't know if you read, my poem: Ashamed.


November 22, 2015 - 14:37 I don't think I have . I'll will check it up.


October 2, 2019 - 14:50 Hello i am miss Brenda i have private discusion with you via at(

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