Prunes can't save me now

by lordpeterofquelch
Sitting there being constipated is Like keeping a caterpillar caught in vice grip, Like trying to push a quarter through a wall of concrete, Like trying to fire a gun without a trigger, Like trying to keep 5 gallons of fluid in a leather canteen, like trying to lift a 500 pound weight that’s stuck to the ground with super-glue, Like a sealed volcano trying to erupt, like an avalanche in slow motion, like a car stuck in neutral, like an L.A. traffic jam, like pushing a lead pipe through a pin-hole, Like keeping a match inside a bubble made out of lighter fluid, Like hippopotamus birth, Like sitting in line at the DMV, Like watching a movie that won’t end, Like sliding down a rope made of barbed wire, Like a lead bullet that can’t be removed from your skin, Like an uncomfortable hug from a distant relative, Like watching a slideshow of your grand parent’s vacation photos, Like a supersonic jet frozen in mid-flight, Like a mail slot that’s been welded shut,Like a man staring death in the face, Like convincing trump to withdraw from the presidential race, Like a blue whale swimming in your stomach, Like trudging through no man’s land, Like exploring an unknown planet, Like coming to terms with an apocalypse, like waiting for your hiv test results, Like getting lost in a book, Like counting the numbers of PI
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