some question are still unanswered that make you fear...........
How could you think
I would be happier without you
How could you think...
There's a melody that is banging only head
And continues to spin down to my chest
Then this anonymous tune plays in my heart....
I've often had a dream where am trying to escape from someone trying to steal my teeth so I never get to's not funny;its instead become my greatest fear.
Showing up happily every time even when your heart is aching badly, may be that's what is called "Life"
August 3, 2015 - 14:33 Life is a vicious circle..very apt way of putting it .nice way you presentesbit too. But life is vicious or victorious is for each of us to decide can be either ..the choice is oursPriM
August 3, 2015 - 16:34 Life can definitely be confusing. Sometimes it isn't just a stage, but a wild circus. Good luck!Manahill Naik
August 4, 2015 - 13:21 minor grammar mistakes but the idea and the rhyme is totally great.. good job and best of luck :)