It isn’t a stroll in the park, though it appears as one.
It isn’t just sleeping and waking, yet that’s the way it feels
It isn’t just like yesterday dawning on today
As every other has been from time
This is greater; it’s like the crossing of a Rubicon,
An invisible barrier that’s been laid on our path,
Full of briers and thorns, littered with scary snares
And loopholes, filled with silts and miry clay
Yes, that’s what lay between last year and the
New Year we just seemed to have flipped over.
Can you count the souls striving to get this far from the last year?
Can you imagine the lives lost trying to cross over this seemingly
Effortless Rubicon, just to say, Happy New Year!
But yet, you have done so, seemingly with ease, just like
Flipping over the page of a notebook with the finger; just like
Sleeping and waking to another cold hazy morning
Yes, we had the cross over-night Church Service
At our various church denominations the resounding
Shouts of ‘Happy New Year's and the usual backslappings
And the sweet smiles and wishes of a better day in the New Year
No, it’s not just these that give glamor to our
Entry to the New Year; it’s not the sweet smell of the
Stew and fried chicken, not fried rice, and
The good feeling of living to another year and the hope
Of better things to come
The real glamor is acknowledging that there is the
Almighty, higher up in Heaven who flips through
The passaging of time and our life in this universal plane
It is he, who bears us through the snares and thorns,
Through the thistles and the dark alleys and the miry clay
Those have taken others who fared with you from the start
Of last year
The glamor is in the praises, the worship, and the adorations
We render to him for his mercies and his goodness,
His faithfulness and everlasting loving kindness
The glamor of the New Year is telling him how much
We love him and acknowledge his hand in the
Affairs of our life and all that it takes.