Hand in hand

by DavidBokolo
Hand in hand We are just stepping into our New Year, 1 year + that is what the Lord has added into our age. Looking back the road so far, it's been a long way down, and we still have many more years to go according to the Lord's command. We can't pay Him with our silver and Gold, but we have decided to offer to him the most valuable possession we have: our lives. We made a covenant with him to work for Him, and to walk with Him, He has been very faithful to that covenant with us and has borne all our shortcomings, He has given us a platform to chat, discuss, complaint, praise, worship, exalt, trust, obey, rely, confide in Him.
And Oh! what a wonderful God He proves to us. He is always there with us in the Night and in the day. He fights all our battles even when we do know that our adversary has laid an entrapment for us. In the valley and on the mountaintop, at desert times and in sandy shore, He has always been there beside us. His voice like the purring of a stallion has guided us in the book he has given.
I looked at the clock; it is 12 midnight. I raised my head and my hands into the Heavens and say, "Thank you, my Father, in Heaven For adding another year onto our age." Happy Birthday to my Dear wife! and Happy birthday to me!
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