Don’t Talk TO Me About ‘The Good old Days’

by DavidBokolo
Don’t Talk TO Me About ‘The Good old Days’

I heard it said so often, ‘The Good old days”.
Though, I have not heard people saying much
About the evil of the present days:
I have had a taste of both the old and new days.
I will want to see the criteria of measuring.

I am much of these new days as I was of the old.
I have seen and heard about the evil of the old.
Whatever we are seeing today is a refinement of the old.
And so if they are a refinement of the old,
Then I could just imagine how crude was the old.

I have seen and heard about wars being fought then
In grand and with unimaginable cruelty,
With barbaric passion of bloodletting then;
Men soaked in blood like butchers in an abattoir:
Being the release of diseased heart, of men of old.

I have seen and heard of the natural disasters of old,
Which could not be controlled, or the people warned.
I have heard and seen the evidence of people forced
Out of their homes, and sold off like spoiled garbage as slaves.
I have heard about whole nation wiped off in the fury of men of old.

Who is there to talk to me about the good old days?
When I will wait for a month to get reply to my letters,
When I have to travel for twelve hours for a journey,
Of one hundred and fifty kilometers just to buy grocery.
These are not the best of days but they are refined of the old
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