by udeozorjoyce
“Boyfriends are overrated” Alice snapped.

“You are saying that because you have never had any” Amy retorted “you need to stop this attitude. Just because you don’t have something doesn't mean others shouldn't have it.”

Being roommates in the school hostel, the two fresher had never been best of pals as both have a personality clash.

Amy, beautiful and adorned with attractive features like a beautiful flower always attracted lots of the male students around her. She was seeking Alice view on which of the guys she thought would be more genuine for a boyfriend.

It seemed like it was a totally bad idea asking Alice as Amy was already pissed off with her roommates “over religious views”. She had raised her voice already, complaining of how nothing ever seemed right to Alice. She kept on unpacking and repacking her clothes as was her norm whenever she got in a bad mood. Alternatively she would have stormed out except it was late in the night.

There was a knock on the door, opening it , Kasey the fourth year student who also shared the room with them came in and burst into tears rushing for her bed and pillow as if that could provide the comfort and consolation she needed. That left the two younger roommates in a puzzle. They both looked at each other in total frenzy unaware of what to say or do.

Kasey never liked to discuss her personal matters and would never share a problem except it was something to make others praise her or get jealous. She was hardly around and that gave the roommates what to gossip about. Her mid-tone sobs woke her side neighbor who had been struggling to catch a nap even with the unending chatter of Amy and Alice.

She sat up to face her and gently inquired what they problem was, but Kasey was thrown into more sobs as if her question was a replay of her ordeal.

“Kingsley broke up with me”

“Huh?, but you guys were doing so fine together” with raised brows Emily interjected. At least that’s the idea she had given them whenever she came back from his lodge singing his praises. That must have been the sole pressure why Amy wanted one badly.

“So I thought too, until this evening after his friends left the house. Sitting me down, he told me we have to move on, that he doesn't think he wants to continue with the relationship. ”she continued to sob ‘’he didn't even want to hear from me, kept on saying we could still be friends but he wants to focus on other things at the moment.”

“Aww !!!!....that’s so mean of him”. Emily tried to console her. “Why are guys so inconsiderate”. She rhetorically asked. “It’s well dearie, just cry it out and do it just this once.”

By this time Amy and Alice had already come round her comforting in the way they knew. Emily continued “It was a similar situation when I shed my last tears for my love over a guy two years ago. I told myself I wouldn't get into any meaningless friendships or relationships, any relationship that isn't defined and leading to marriage within one or two years and that meant I had to be ready for marriage too.”

‘’my uncle told me a similar thing, he advised me to concentrate on building my feature and avoid getting into relationships else before I graduate I will be having a list of Ex’s and no one to call a friend. Told me to keep everyone as a friend” Alice contributed.

‘’your uncle wasn't wrong at all, it took me a while before I could start making new friends, my relationship never allowed me to really socialize enough as I was busy avoiding spending time with other people so that my boyfriend wouldn't get jealous or suspicious. I must tell you all from my experience, I changed boyfriends every semester, some I was the one who broke up with them, others was the reverse and some it was a mutual agreement, but right now I don’t feel comfortable around them, I can’t even call them friends or ask for favor, we can’t even get close enough to have a good conversation, am always conscious and scared of the ill tales they might be telling of me. I must tell you, guys are like employers when you no longer serve them; they fire you and employ another. If you are not careful they might publish ill stories about you to other employers and render you unemployable. The truth my dear is that it is better to have a list of friends than a lists of Ex’s.’’ Emily concluded.

As if she had forgotten that Kasey was still sober, Alice with excitement exclaimed “told you…boyfriends are overrated” making faces at Amy.
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Liked it alot?


January 9, 2015 - 09:00 Jeez I totally know that self-conscious and awkward stuff whenever an Ex is near...I actually agree when you said, "a list of friends is better than a list of ex's"
Ramisa Anjum

Ramisa Anjum

February 2, 2015 - 13:04 Yes.A good fiction story.I just loved it...........You can also read and comment on my story named" HAIRS CUTTING'' :-)

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