Be Your Own Epitaph

by DavidBokolo
And so the news rang out
about the close of another page
of the earthlings in this plane
to the other realm and space;
where a new page no mortal has ever read
is opened

Of the millions that throng this plane,
and the time we sojourn on this earthly shore,
what record was made as our footprints?
Thus, we fade away in man’s fading memory
Don’t close the page and go away with the script

Be our own epitaph where no one
has set up one for us and our toils
while our sojourn here is done and the
Master’s call we heard, summoning us
to the father’s rest
let our today be an epitaph for our time away
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Sharmishtha Shenoy

Sharmishtha Shenoy

October 24, 2016 - 11:45 Agree with you David!


October 24, 2016 - 16:06 Thank you, S.

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