"Auster" - Prologue

by Skye
“Who is she?” Iris demanded, her expression livid. “Why was I not informed of this earlier?”

“Sister, please,” Isabelline said beseechingly, her hand outstretched. “Feldgrau has already consulted the Council. We will meet on the morrow.”

Iris threw her a scathing look. “As always, Isabelline, you assume the best in him. You fail to see the problem Feldgrau’s actions present me with, even if his flaws are right in front of you.”

“Problem?” Isabelline asked confusedly. “I don’t see –”

“That is because you are naïve,” Iris snapped, losing patience. “You know perfectly well that the Council will not allow me to hear what they do not want me to hear.”

Isabelline looked at her sister, a curious expression on her face. “What is your plan?”

“I want information on this newborn,” Iris replied. “Information I cannot acquire from Feldgrau and the Council.”

“How do you intend to do this?” Isabelline inquired, adjusting the sleeves of her robes delicately. “You know that Feldgrau will be watching her – and us. He will act preemptively, as he always does.”

“Ah, sister mine,” Iris said, “you speak sensibly. It is true that Feldgrau will take matters into his own hands. He will handle the situation as he sees fit. Which is why it is time for a little preemptive strike of our own.

“Alizarin!” she barked.

A red robed male entered the chamber. He stopped in front of Isabelline and bowed first to her, and then to Iris with a grace no human would ever possess. One look at his face, however, revealed that he was indeed more than human.

“My lady,” Alizarin said, straightening. “You summoned?”

“A transformation has occurred,” Iris informed him. “Track her. Find out whatever you can.”

Alizarin looked at Isabelline, who shook her head slightly. “My lady,” he began uncertainly, “it is the twenty-first century. I do not think I am the most...appropriate person for this task.”

“Who do you recommend?” Isabelline asked him interestedly.

“Payne, my lady.” Alizarin grinned, showing very pointed teeth. “He is, after all, the ladies’ favorite. Make him appear to her a mortal. She will be instantly drawn to him. Tell him to seduce her. She will be completely smitten and fall into his trap, so much so that she will tell him anything he wants to know. He is ruthless, my lady; he will succeed.”

Iris regarded Alizarin thoughtfully. “I will consider,” she said finally. “You may go.”

Alizarin bowed once more to both sisters, and then exited the chamber.

Iris spoke a word and the lights dimmed. She swept past her sister, her silver robes rustling with every step.

“Are you honestly going to listen to Alizarin?” Isabelline asked her, a touch of worry in her voice. “Do you really believe Payne is fit to be sent to seduce the newborn?”

Iris turned to look at her sister with a mixture of fondness and disdain. “Alizarin’s suggestions may not always be wise, but he is right about this,” she replied. “Good night, sister.” With a wave of her hand, she extinguished the fires, leaving Isabelline alone in the darkness. She sighed, picking up the folds of her robes, and willed herself into her own private bedchambers.

Isabelline did not know why Iris was concerning herself over this newborn. She did not know what Feldgrau’s ulterior motives were, if any. She did, however, know that there were few from the Flight who were tolerant enough to seduce a volatile newborn, and the fiery-tempered Payne was not one of them.
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