by Chijioke Emeh
All she has ever wanted is me
Or any other man,
Not for love or lust, nor for lost
But for gain and greed, the sin of covetousness
All she wants is the money of the man
Or the man with the money,
Or a man with a weighty purse
And a fat bank account.
The weightiness of his purse,
The fatness of his account,
Is her priority far above
Contentment and commitment.

Once the man has the money
She falls for the money of the man
And not for the love of the man.
Once the money of the man is gone
She snubs the man,
Moves to the next available victim
Who has the money
Always, she thinks about her own gain
She could love any man for a pay
Now, she had paid the pay
To many a man in their own coins
She pushed them from penny to penniless.

Yet, she said she was unspoiled,
The rare of girls,
She said she was of descendants
Of holy Mary, married to Joseph the Carpenter.
She said she was waiting
To give birth to the messiah
If in case he decides to come
In this manner
In his ever
Rumored second coming
"Who knows he might decide
"To come again through the vagina of a virgin?
"I want be the mother of the messiah." She said.

The other day in the night
In the street corner,
I overheard her professing in profanity,
Unaware of my personal presence,
Of her undying love to a certain lord,
After she bankrupted me into bankruptcy,
Telling him the exact words
She often told me,
She recited them exactly
Like a well learnt nursery rhyme,
"I like the way you touch my pant
"Under my skirt
"I like the way you love me better
"Like a better lover.
"No man does it to me better than you do
"You are the only love in my love life."
Let others and the author know if you liked it

Liked it alot?


August 21, 2015 - 17:42 Oh she's a gold diga! Lol. Nice poem Emeh


August 22, 2015 - 07:02 Good poem.... Liked it.. well expressed... Words used are nyc...
Manahill Naik

Manahill Naik

August 24, 2015 - 12:56 well impressive indeed :)

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