When the Spirits Intervened

by Surinam27
Everything was good for Venu as he developed and his parents were very happy. Good at studies, able to mingle well with all types of people, skills in various fields like painting, sports and studies, he was all set to become one of the shining starts of the state. He developed an admiration for the West and argued that Westerners were abler than the Asians. He avidly watched English movies and TV programs and his father would interfere, ‘Look, this is not good, you have to think about the society here and adhere to the values of our locality. That will be good for your mind. Able people are living in Kerala also. Try to be one of them, or you will be in trouble.’
‘Father, I observe that everything is hidden here. Young people have no freedom and what is happening in the families? Quarrels, fights, dissatisfaction and frustration,’ was the observation of the ten year old boy.
Venu did not want to accept the fact that there are problems everywhere. He was not at all bothered about the selfish and greedy mind set of the people around him. He smiled at every one and talked open heartedly and that often made him an object of ridicule.
There were many hard realities. He was not aware of the fact that his ancestral temple was in dilapidated condition and it was his mission to resurrect it. If he did not involve in the effort, his very existence will be in trouble. He learned these things when he approached an astrologer to discuss his future. He may be able to visit the West, but his center of activity will be his own native place.
Troubles began at the age of twenty. Some sort of mental trouble. Doctors had different opinion-bi polar to schizophrenia- they frightened him. A series of treatment, medication and rituals. Troubles did not stop there.
Venu had started learning temple rituals from a master. One day he took him to a temple in the neighboring district for a ritual. ‘You will become a good temple priest if you stay with me for a couple of years. You are very intelligent and you can learn the system of tantra very quickly.’ ‘I will surely learn the system, but I will continue my college education also,’ Venu got some reassurance.
But that night something bizarre happened. As he was about to lie, a fierce force entered his body through his rectum and huge amount of energy filled his body and mind. He became restless and could not sleep. He had his consciousness, but found it difficult to sleep.
The next morning, he bathed in the temple pond and performed the rituals with his master, but people all around found something abnormal with his ways. As soon as he reached home, he started running here and there and again his father and his uncle took him to a hospital. As per the advice of the uncle, another astrologer was consulted.
The findings of the astrologer was so complex. The spirit that entered Venu’s body is a brahmarakshasa or the spirit of an ancestor who because of his wayward life became like that and for whom salvation is not possible. The temple has to be resurrected. Moreover, there are many other spirits also there on Venu’s body.
Again a series of rituals. There was some solace after two months. He completed his studies and got a job. Every month on the first Thursday he went to his family temple, took bath in the pond and performed pooja. He resolved to adhere to the ways of his ancestors and decided not to drink, smoke or eat non vegetarian food. He slowly began to understand what culture meant in India, especially in Kerala. He thought, ‘The more I delve deeply into the culture here the greater my success in life. Family values, control over the senses, prayers and rituals to ingratiate the gods and moderate indulgence in sensual pleasure, if it is so difficult to abstain from it completely. Life got a new meaning and Kerala, his home state began to appear more attractive to Venu.
He sat in front of the temple one evening and watched the lights of the temple shining in the middle of the beautiful village. He sat there in deep meditation and tried to cleanse his mind of passion, jealousy, greed and vengeance. The final decision – there is no place better than one’s motherland.
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