The Bizzare Episode

by LUIS K.
Living in the slopes of the mountain of splendor and mysteries where the locals have a reputation for the divine, bizarre and mundane; Leki was just your ordinary boy down the village, that is if you could discount that everyone always treated him with an air of respect which was normally reserved for elders, also Leki was not given to flamboyant behavior or outright aggressiveness.
Just after the hotly contested presidential elections, where the declared winner was rejected by the opponents and subsequently the land beyond the slopes of the mountain of splendor had erupted into chaos. At a time when the people of the slopes were worried, not that the violence would reach them, but that the whole country would fall into chaos,prayer meetings were being held to offer supplications to the Creator to avert this looming crisis.
It was a Monday morning Leki had been sent by his mother to the market to get some groceries, it was a clear morning and the weather was calm not betraying the deep rooted conflict going on in other parts of the country. En-route to the market Leki met his two friends Riithi and Tegii and there ensued a discussion on the state of affairs of the nation.
As they were talking a cloud covered the land and it was impossible to see more than twelve yards from where they were, that's when Leki saw a movement inside the fog, to him it looked like a son of the gods, he inquired from his friend on whether they had seen the apparition, they said nothing of the sort had happened.
looking once more inside the cloud Leki saw the supernatural being and deep down his heart with a deep conviction he knew what he had to do he rushed to the cloud which swallowed him up and to the dismay of his friends and immediately the clouds disappeared with Leki in it. one second it was there and the next it was gone leaving an eerie silence which seemed to speak unimaginable danger to his friends.
His friends were bewildered and they forgot all else and rushed towards the home of Leki to report the incident to the parents and elders.

Inside the cloud Leki gave chase to the supernatural being who managed to elude him every time, also the cloud started playing tricks on his mind and he met other people whom on closer examination he discovered they were older versions of himself, this puzzled him but he was determined not to be sidetracked from his mission, they all tried to dissuade him following the supernatural being with him giving them a deaf ear, this went on for a long time until it occurred to Leki that he was using the wrong approach to reach the being in light, the only way to accomplish his mission was to spirit travel.
Leki sat down and subsequently entered into a trance upon which his psychic persona rose and at exhilarating speed followed the being, which was now travelling at super-normal speed through planes of time, space and reality.
They then entered a realm with many supernatural being that's when Leki realized he had entered the throne of mercy, spoken of in whispers by his people and the Creature he was following was none other than "Mutheca itu" the first of the beings according to his peoples legends.
Leki realized he had been offered an opportunity to plead the course of his people.

Back home the village was getting worried as word went around as to the fate that had met their son, elders were consulted but no one could come up with a credible solution.
Some minutes to noon the cloud descended again and upon its departure, there lay Leki lifeless, villagers gathered at a stone throw away speaking in whispers, a 'sangoma' was summoned, he approached the lifeless body and called out to Leki .. "munene" a title used to refer to a leader "wake up". there was a slight stir and leki sat up the crowd of watchers immediately broke into murmurs and whispering, looking at the 'sangoma' Leki said "i need some milk" the sangoma went to the village and brought a gourd of milk and millet bread, which Leki ate and regained his strength to the amazement of the villagers.
Leki then with his own legs went back to the his parents home.
This story like all other that are divine was knit inside the hearts of the villagers never retold again; for everyone knows talking of "Mutheca itu" is a sure path towards meeting Him.
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November 12, 2015 - 14:32 You write very interesting story's. Very different and enjoyable :-)


November 15, 2015 - 20:06 Thanks Velantra for appreciating my stories... am honored by the visit to my stories//bless you

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