Pastors Knife To My Throat

by LUIS K.

    I am walking briskly;
it was years to the great war we were coalating our forces in an effort to
expunge the system which had become corrupt to the core. The star of the
prophesied one lit our path daily, in houses of worship the faithful cried,
offering supplication; do not touch the Oil we had been bid, our swift
rejoinder was that the veil was but full of holes. That it wasn't torn but worn
down but treachery and greed, the way of materialism ruled the clergy and
cloth. Few in hushed voices talked of the sighting of the star of the coming
one. Militarize was no longer our option our people had been betrayed war was
imminent, an elite portion of our people stockpiling. We were not ready to be
caught sitting like pretty ducks in the forest. Modern warfare 3 we joked as if
an outright world war was fun: street to street, it had degenerated fast, rich
versus poor undertones losing appeal fast as an enemy became apparent and
resources were much needed, we needed all on our side onboard wars are not
fought on empty coffers.

     So that
morning dawn found me rushing past a market donned in the resistance apparel,
the much-dreaded rounding’s up had not started, I caught a guy at the corner of
my eye flagging me down, I offered My Salaams and proceeded to pass him halting
my speed to enable him to catch, I could hear His steps a yard behind as I
spied the laid down plans ahead, the getaway vehicles. On arriving there I
offer My salaams they are received in peace and thanksgiving, Shalom Waleikhum
may Peace, Mercies and His Light guide your path.

    After the niceties
now we are in the fast-moving Military Vehicle, My getaway driver starts a
narrative but on a tangent as a way of small talk and to avoid to the droning

    He re-narrated of
how a group of upcoming pastors had joined forces for resources, one who was
named Mr. Twigs and a promising group of four others, the hand full of
Parissees whose duty was bound in preaching the good news to the unchurched,
souls had to be liberated, and those in bondage set free.  The mission
gained foot with Mr. Twigs and his genius oratory and influence skill speedily
gaining popularity and an enviable following. When the envelopes came did they
not bear but his name the rest of the handful disgruntled with eating crumbs falling
from the Charismatic and vibrant Apostle Twigs, jealousy bit them like fever over
one they felt they had built. 

    That is how the
four other waparisee who included a young Impostori met and decided the fate of
Mr. Twigs he had to be sacrificed offered at the altar of greed and materialism
the gods of greed and materialism all agreeing let's do away with him, lots
were cast and the knife was wielded by a young one in the group. the elders had
rigged the vote such that the young one would not betray them, the warnings
were dire “it’s His life or yours”.

The young but talented preacher
had no option but to act on "holy fara-see" orders. He stalked,
tracked and waylaid his quarry, quarry isolation is his forte to a fault. Thus
the famed Mr. Twigs fell into the trap, a phone call from pretty
"Zaroni" one who they all admired sealing the trap. Of course, heavy
blood notes lining the "Delililahs" purse and the blood of treachery to
date haunting descendants.

     The Knife
fell on his throat as he awaited Sharon on an unlit path his shield for the
Sharon falling from his pockets, the rubber was not going to offer any
salvation against the sharp knife, albeit the young twisted preacher, had his
own ideas he had discovered he had been played, He theologized let me save this
servants’ of God life by half slaughtering him, he had watched one too many
movies so his knife did not severe any arteries Mr. Twigs was left gasping for
air chocking on his own blood. The twisted son of a gun went on ahead and
called for an ambulance an anonymous tip-off they call it in the in ER.

    Mr. Twigs after One
month in the hospital was discharged.. his vocal cord took years to heal..

The young talented preacher
succeeded in to kill two stones with one clean slice of the jarring knife. “Peter
on this alter I will build My Church did the young apostle receive the
revelation in the stroke of the moment or is it a knife, a high priest you will

    Mr. Twigs took over a year in
speech therapy and give more to gain the courage to once more stand on the
pulpit. To date, He has never divulged the identity of his slaughterer or is
it, savior. Mr. Twigs preaches with courage but never fails to look warily over
his shoulders. It is rumored all his assailants repented before the LORD of
Host whom they fondly call THE MAN OF WAR, they now lead congregations of thousand’s.
In the words from the book of Timothy, they have been tested, tried, vetted and
found worthy to lead congregations and who am I to name a brother The Lord
Jesus has pardoned.

Shalom Waleikhum May His peace
light and star shine your path may you envision the way of Mustar_far, my
getaway driver bids me, as I alight from the vehicle.

are sworn to defend we are sworn to protect, Gichunge we are the warriors of
the light a sentry at the dawn of the fall, aluta war drums sound all over the
blessed hills, the glory of Tana-ateru Zion envisioned the sons of the
liberation grow restlessness and the swift eagle moves for the kill.

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Teddy Kimathi

Teddy Kimathi

March 10, 2020 - 12:21 You are so talented as a narrator bro! Can't wait for pt 2! :)


March 24, 2020 - 21:05 Thanks, Teddy.. In due time it will come..

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