New Year, New Hope, Old Lessons

by PenFairy
The clock strikes again
A million cheers are being heard
A billion new wishes and aspirasions are made,
A new year has begun.

Yet there was one,
A fleeting soul,
Laying numb on her bed,
Tears streaming down her eyes
Only to be captured by her gentle pillow.

Mistakes were made,
Lessons were learnt,
Memories were haunting,
Regrets were burning.

Hope was gone,
It is too late
It is too late
Her mind whispered.

A ray of light,
Burst through her gut,
Warming her body
Uttering words as gems.

As long as the heart pumps another batch of blood, 
As long as the lungs inhale and exhale fresh breath of air,
Freet not my child,
for it is never too late to awaken your inner self. 

Rise now my child,
For you have learnt from the past,
Carry it, my child,
Carry it in your heart,
May it be the seed of hope for your future,
Water it, my child,
Water it with your actions in your present,

It is never too late
You become what you plant,
You become what you water,
You become the best version of YOU.

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