My Mind Is Slipping

by Velantra
My mind is slipping,
I can’t hold on,
I’m falling, something’s missing!
I don’t know where I am?
It is dark here yonder………

It is steep, hard rock,
There is nothing to hold on to,
I cannot go back, to sky’s so blue,
Where will I go, what will I do?
It is dark here yonder, scared, alone.

My mind is wondering,
My mind is chaotic, I am lost,
I walk through waters cold,
I fall over stones, sharp, bruised.

My mind is crying, pleading,
I need redemption,
I need to be free,
There is nowhere out…….

My mind is searching,
A tree, a river flowing,
Take me away from here!

My mind is bruised, scratched,
I’m bleeding from walking,
Shouting for someone to hear my cries.

My mind is slipping,
I can’t hold on,
I’m falling into a deep dark, hole…….
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Sharmishtha Shenoy

Sharmishtha Shenoy

November 12, 2015 - 08:25 Does not match the mood of your other poem! Why so sad? :-) Keep smiling.


November 12, 2015 - 13:28 Life is hectic, hubby is having a big operation in two weeks. My baby start school next year. Time to write, to run a house. Washing!!!! Ironing!!! Cleaning!!! Dust...... My writing makes me feel better, I love to write, I never ever had any one believing that I have any talent what so ever to write. I must have written a million things in my mind and a million more, that i just deleted........... :-)
Sharmishtha Shenoy

Sharmishtha Shenoy

November 12, 2015 - 14:04 Wow you are replaying my life here! Are you from India as well?


November 12, 2015 - 14:15 Nope........ a land far and beyond....... Hehehehe seven seas away, then you turn left, take a right turn and left and then you ask there for directions!!!!!


November 12, 2015 - 14:23 Just joking sharmishta, read my poem Ashamed.....maybe then you will understand....


November 21, 2015 - 19:25 I like this. Reminds me of my younger days when I had no-one to lean on.


November 22, 2015 - 09:23 Thanks for your comment, same here, had to fight for myself with no-one to lean on.


October 2, 2019 - 14:53 Hello i am miss Brenda i have private discusion with you via at(

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