My January 2 plus something serious

by Sivaranjini Senthilvel

Day 2 of the new year says I made a mistake in my previous post and dictates me to make this correction: “Day 1 is a free trial rehearsal for 2019“. Today was pretty much yesterday’s photocopy. Disorganized, defeated, depressed. Clicked ‘Ring 24 hours later’ as usual when my ‘To-do list reminder’ yelled at me. That alarm’s a killjoy I tell you; totally a Grinch! (doesn’t even come with Benedict’s voice, duh!).

Speaking of Benedict takes me to his beautiful accent, which in turn takes me to English itself and ah, my smile fades away! Recently I realized I shouldn’t be holding onto much hope when it comes to the standard of English as a language. I am no expert, but I somehow find the lenience of the Oxford University Press people pretty disturbing. Those folks seem to readily print in their dictionary whatever gibberish any creature belonging to the Milky Way utters. Warm to a fault, I’d say.

Broadmindedness is an attribute that needs to be appreciated. But when it’s practised too much, words like ‘supercalifragislisticexpialidocious‘ that redefine ‘broadness‘ itself receive welcome, and in turn introduce complicated complications like ‘hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia‘. I assure you I don’t floccinaucinihilipilificate needlessly.

Let me untangle the above monstrosity. ‘Sesquipedalophobia‘ is the name given to the fear of long words, which has been identified as one of the prevalent social phobias. The interesting part comes now. Some zombie has revised the name of this phobia to ‘Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia’ because obviously the patients with the disorder protested that Sesquipedalophobia was too short to be pronounced and that they felt insulted.

Putting aside even all this, what sincerely hurts me the most is the sight of Hon.Etymology RingIP somewhere in a grave unfound. I suppose, perhaps I’m not intelligent enough to comprehend why on Earth not a single river came forward to accommodate the hippopotamus, compelling it to walk all the way up to this word only to hook up with a monster.

Alright, folks! The hippo doesn’t require concern now.  Tell me what if I get praised ‘Dinosauroosterunbelievablincorrigiblicious‘ when I get famous tomorrow??       (–_–)

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January 8, 2019 - 04:56 I don't know if it is an age old practise or its just something new, it seems like every single human feeling has some mental illness name related to it.."blablabla disorder" or "so-so-phobia". Somewhere in the back of my head i wonder if that is that could also be a reason for so many unhappy, depressed people?
Sivaranjini Senthilvel

Sivaranjini Senthilvel

January 9, 2019 - 16:10 Lol. True that PenFairy!

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