I fear losing you

by P'yonce Knowmore
Mom, you've brought me into this world
Full of hardships and pleasures
But pleasures seem to be few
And hardships are unfairly existent repeatedly

You've given me love
You've cherished me, treasured me
You carried a torch for me all your entire life
Mom, you're my rock, my life.

Every time I go to bed
You're in my mind
Every time I sing
You're in my lyrics
Every time I pray
You're in my prayer
Every time I eat, I think about you
Wondering if you've eaten something today

I know you've given up on your luxurious life for me
That is why I think about you all the time.

I go to school with a vision of thanking you one day
So I fear losing you before all that is completely fulfilled
I fear losing you without me showing gratitude to you
I want to thank you one day
I want to give you the greatest gift you'll never expect
But I'm still on my mission to my vision.

I fear living in this cruel world alone
Without you by my side to guide me
I fear the thought of losing you
Leaving me behind with a big responsibility
To look after my siblings while I'm studying

I fear the thought of missing you
I fear the thought of losing your touch and
The kisses you constantly blew to me
I don't think I'll ever recover from this fear
I seriously fear losing you, mom!

I love you with all my heart
I'm still grateful that I have you in my life
I'm happy to have you in my life
But I seriously fear losing you.
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August 1, 2015 - 14:56 Heey Posh, did you mean to enter the competition with this one?


August 1, 2015 - 15:32 The material is there but the poem right now feels too raw. Take a look at this piece again after a day or two and edit it out if you feel like you need to change some things.
P'yonce Knowmore

P'yonce Knowmore

August 2, 2015 - 12:53 Lol this was supposed to be my draft and now it's out. Anyway my poem for the competition is out called " the reason why I fear men" read it and tell me what you think....

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