Fire of caveat

by Velantra
“I warned you! She told me; if he stops dating her, she will fall pregnant. She will make sure that he stays committed to her.” John was furious: “What did you have to say, do you even remember? Do you, all you said was.” He spoke in a squeaky voice: " Rather her, than the stupid, fat girl that he is dating behind her back.”
He looked at his sister Michelle, crossing his arms, shaking his head. “Mom and Dad, passed away not even a year ago. Who do you think, is going to look after the baby and her, for that matter? Me and you? You know Carl is up to no good. At least he wants to marry the little twat. Now all of a sudden she refuses?”
His sister looked at him, just her eyes showing over the cup of tea she was drinking. “I know you are right, so stop your little fiddle twiddle, you are being annoying.” She made little “s” patterns with her fingers on the table cloth, avoiding eye contact. “We have no choice; they will just have to move in here with us.”
He stood up from the table, pressing with his arms on it: “You know, he will never accomplish anything worthwhile in his live, apart from drinking himself to death.” He turned around and walked out the door. Michelle sighed and sit back in her chair thinking: “How in the world is this going to affect our lives?”
Marcha smiled at herself in the mirror, carefully touching her tummy that is starting to show: “Dear Carl, what a little fool you are: men, wanting to own and desire a woman’s body, believing a girl when they say they are using contraceptives” she grinned. She looked at the room around her: Well not the best in town, but better than that “tainted” place she was sharing with her mom….....

Four years have passed since Sophia was born and Marcha played Carl in any and every way she could. Marcha just demanded what she want; then this, then that. Shoes, clothes for her, for Sophia. New linen for their room………so it goes on and on.
John woke up lazy, it is Saturday. He walks down to the kitchen, put up a nice brew of Ethiopian coffee and sloth to the post box. He snarls: “Really is it so difficult to deliver post, without it being wet and sloppy?” Walking back to the house, flipping through the post he sees a letter that say: FINAL NOTICE. He frowned: “What is this about?” He opened the letter and he flared up in anger and started shouting even before he entered the house: “Carl! Carl! Where in this darn world are you! Get out here!!!!! NOW!!!!!!” “Carl! CARL!!!!”
Carl hear his name through a daze of a headache and a hangover from last nights partying and boozing with his pals. Marcha whack him in the ribs. “Come on your immoral drunk, your brother is blaring at you and yelping like a mouse in a trap.” “Yes, yes, ok…. hold your horses…. ghee woman, you driving me crazy.”
She mumbles under her breath: “Well you are the one acting like an idiot!” “Excuse me woman, who is the spoiler if the broth here? You don’t want to go out, you don’t want to join me when I visit my friends, you don’t even want to have one single drink….” Marcha open her mouth to say something, but before she could utter a word, Carl says: “Blah, blah, blah, just shut up….lizard”
John is sitting in his study, reading the morning newspaper. He looks up at Carl: “Where is Marcha? Why is Michelle looking after ‘her’ again?” Carl flops into a chair, he sees Sophia playing in the garden, whilst his sister is gardening and keeping an eye on her. “Her name is Sophia, why….” John interrupts him: “Why, do you always have to fall into a chair? You have two legs to use to sit down like a gentleman Carl….and what IS THIS!?” He roars like a lion at Carl! His face turning red with fury and despise…….

To Be Continued.....
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Lea Ebio

Lea Ebio

December 2, 2015 - 01:32 this is getting more interesting


December 2, 2015 - 08:12 Thank you, even I am excited as the story unfolds .......hehhe
Lea Ebio

Lea Ebio

December 2, 2015 - 08:47've got an exciting characters and I somehow can relate to the plot..but not the characters..hehe


December 2, 2015 - 08:59 Great. I would like to see where this story is going to take us. Keep on writing. I love your stories, because it is about real life.


December 3, 2015 - 21:14 Thanks, I appreciate it, yeah maybe some is about real life...... :-)

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