It seemed creeping from the shadows
Slowly swallowing me up, whole.
I was so afraid, afraid,
Thus the pillows crease though filled with snowy cotton,
For they seep uncontrolled sobs - heard in a starless night.
I am afraid for thousand reasons;
Lurking with feelings unexpressed, and emotions held repressed.
Wandering in an ocean of suffocation;
Withdrawing me back, to end in seclusion and regret.
Due to the selfish struggle towards insensible perfection;
The habitual quest for wisdom and instruction,
Of man concealing the greed for wealth and power,
I’m afraid peace would never relieve such confusion.
As if tomorrow would let the dawn bleed
Those shadows into figures, sharp and real.
Of which I’m afraid;
That eternity would clasp them in mind,
And bury me deeper to the ground.
Yet I believe,
That paranoia is just a nightmare, forcibly daunting and grave.
When the face-off dawdles at any point in time;
Chiseled by versatility, as humbly my prime;
Sweetened by positivity, mincingly achieved;
Courage would be at hand, because faith is my missile.