Betrayal of The Innocent - Part 3.2

by Velantra
Chapter Three

Jennifer was searching for some-one, something, meaning in her life. She was sad, unhappy, confused. She was married for sixteen years, yet she felt trapped……lost….
Hank is a good husband, a gentle and kind man. She knows he doesn’t deserve the way she is behaving and reacting. She wants to scream!!!!!! She needs more…. More of what? She doesn’t know? “What? what, do I need, what is it that I want? What is this empty space in me? What more can I ask? I have money, a good husband…. why do I feel so……? I want to scream……I want more!!!!!!”
She picks up her phone and text Ray: “Hey, what are you up to? Are you home? Can I come over?” she sighs: Ray. They met in a club, became friends, with “benefits” …….
She thought about her husband again; Jen knows he love her very much and she loves him as well…. she thinks…. if that is how love feels like? Real love, brotherly love? “Darn it, I don’t know, so what does it feel like?” she spoke out loud to herself. He allows her to buy whatsoever appeals to her taste and he overwhelms her with beautiful breath-taking jewellery and gifts any women would desire. Still that “exhilaration” as she likes to call it, “playing mayhem with her emotions”, always lingers, driving her to want more.....
She thought about the evening she met Ray: It was a Friday evening and she and Hank went out to a club for dinner and drinks and a bit of partying.
She knew Hank hated going out to the club, but she didn’t care, if he didn’t want to go, she would go by herself.
That evening Jennifer was dressed in tight black pants, high heel leather boots and a sexy black top. It had a V-neck that was embroider with lace, low cut, showing just enough cleavage to make any mans’ eyes linger just a little bit too long……
Her hair was tied back with a black sparkling bow and she made her make-up very darkish black-grey with purple tones. Her perfume was soft, the smell of surf, the waves from the ocean. The whiff of juicy exotic fruits when she walks by. When she entered the club she could feel the men’s’ eyes sweltering her with yearning lust. When she looked up, she looked straight into Rays eyes. He held her eyes captive for a few seconds….
He had brown eyes that can look through you, he was of average length, maybe a bit shorter than the average length for men. His hair was almost clean shaved, and you could see, he enjoyed spending time in the gym. His body was well toned and very “structured” …….
With all the people and drinking and talking, when Hank went to fetch her a gin and tonic and himself a whiskey, he approached her. She remembers what he said: “Why so shy? Immediately when I saw you and our eyes locked, I could see how vulnerable you are. You know; men will take advantage of that?” She smiled shyly and blushed, like a teenager. He laughed and said: “can I have your phone number?” She frowned at him: “No…” with this look on her face of: is he being an idiot now or what? When he saw Hank returning with their drinks he looked at her again: “I want your phone number, I know you will give it to me…” He smiled at her, pinch her on the bud….
Later that night he approached her again, determent and unyielding. “Your number?” She laughed at him and said: “If you can remember my number of hand, you can call me, yes?” He laughed: “Give it…. I am Ray, by the way.” “Jennifer stood there with her drink in her hand. Without looking at him she said: “Jennifer, 555 796 1240”. “Got it, I will contact you soon…” Jen just nodded with a: “Huh, sure you will.” At around four o clock that morning Jen was exhausted from talking, dancing, drinking, the whole jamboree………
As soon as she and Hank left the club, a ping could be heard on her phone. It was a text message saying: “Told you, I won’t forget…. sweet dreams, Ray.”
Today they are good friends that come with prodigious “benefits”. So here she is, waiting for Ray to replay to her text……

Chapter Four

It was mostly because of her “friendship” with Ray, that her and Dalton eventually started their “relationship”.
Ray enjoyed receiving sensual pictures from Jen in dazzling underwear. Whether it was by accident or with intend: Dalton saw some of the pictures……. And the way he looked at her changed both their worlds upside down…….
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Sharmishtha Shenoy

Sharmishtha Shenoy

November 9, 2015 - 05:38 Modern marriages - very realistic


November 10, 2015 - 10:03 Thank you, thank you for the upvotes x

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