Chapter Two
When Jennifer entered her friends room and he introduced her to his half-brother, she froze.
The first and only thing that went through her mind was: “This is not good. This is trouble……”
It was as something gripped around her heart. He just said “hi”, turned back on his stomach and continued texting on his phone. She wanted to face him and walked to the other side of the bed. She was curious and she was interested, very interested………
His name is Dalton, he is eighteen years of age……gosh and he is sexy, sooooo sexy…. He has curly brown hair, a pair of green eyes where the devil himself is dancing in naughty flinches between being funny and flirty at the same time.
She notices he is not that tall, although he is much taller than Jen, since she is so tiny and petite. Anyway, most of the time almost everyone is taller than she is.
His hands are beautiful, his fingers long, you can see he hasn’t done a day’s hard labour in his life. When he smiles, he shows a pair of beautiful white teeth, lips so kissable. His voice manly, not husky or rough or sounding like a wimp. No, just manly.
He wears his clothes just like teenagers do nowadays. Branded t-shirt, belt with a big buckle, jeans hanging half way down his hips.
She wondered why Winston never spoke about him? Then again, he might have and she just didn’t take notice. She and her husband: Hank, are actually friends with Winston parents: Ann and Cash.
Jennifer and Hank are having dinner with them tonight and the four of them and the two boys are playing a game of pool. Jennifer herself is useless, but at least she is trying.
Jen and Ann are having a glass of dry red wine. It is soft, a seven-year-old wine with the undertones of sandalwood and chocolate. The smell of wood of the barrels in which it was kept for four years, lingers in your mouth a long while after you swallowed it.
Hank and Cash are having whiskey, 10-year-old, their favourite brand, expensive of course. Stuck up, all of them…. it’s sad. She sighs….no, no! she is not going to think about her happiness or unhappiness now. They are all having fun and well: you never know. She looked at Dalton, saw him looking at her, she smiled at him and blushed….
Him and Winston were having ciders, it is the ‘in thing” nowadays with young people. Ann made a lasagne with a nice green salad, with small red tomatoes and Feta. It smelled fresh, ripe, as if it was just picked. Jen and Ann were almost the same age, but they dressed totally different. Jennifer always dressed sexy, young and vibrant for her thirty-six years of age. It draws a lot of attention towards her and she enjoys it….
Ann on the other hand was the opposite, she dressed very conventional, and acted like an adult. The way a person should at that age, probably, maybe, Jen guessed.
Hank and Cash are in their forty’s and already both show the signs of baldness. They were the two very serious gentlemen. There are no shades of grey, things are white. Life is rules.
Jennifer is happy that she, her usual self, dressed sexy for the evening. She was wearing a pair of tight white pants, with a shoulder less white top that tied with a necklace-like-chain around her neck. She blow-dried her hair out straight. Her make-up was dark, well lined, so as to accentuate her green- blue eyes. Her black leather sandals showed her perfectly shaped little feet, toenails coloured in a bright red and her three toe rings that she was wearing on her middle right toe.
She smelled sweet, floral, frangipani, it was soft, yet it lingered where she walks and it surrounded her with an aura of pheromones, the need to touch her, be close to her….
It was a fun night, it wasn’t like Dalton gave much attention to her, but she sure was interested in him….
Jennifer and Hank drove home in silence. They only stayed three blocks away from their friends. At home, Hank went upstairs to the study to start reading emails he received and needed attention.
Jen went to their bedroom, took of her make-up, brushed her teeth and climbed into bed. She laid there watching television till she fell asleep.
Chapter Three
Jennifer was searching for some-one, something, meaning in her life. She was sad, unhappy, confused. She was married for sixteen years, yet she felt trapped……lost….
Hank is a good husband, a gentle and kind man. She knows he doesn’t deserve the way she is behaving and reacting. She wants to scream!!!!!! She needs more…. More of what? She doesn’t know? “What? what, do I need, what is it that I want? What is this empty space in me? What more can I ask? I have money, a good husband…. why do I feel so……? I want to scream……I want more!!!!!!”
She picks up her phone and text Ray: “Hey, what are you up to? Are you home? Can I come over?” she sighs: Ray. They met in a club, became friends, with “benefits” …….