#1 Goodbye Paris

by bestdianneever


The fireworks began to explode.

I stared up as they started tracing their way up the sky displaying various forms and beautiful colors. Each of them creates patches of tiny sparks vividly illuminating the perfect structure of skeleton framework, the tower of love, stood still. It's as if they were dancing to the rhythm of my beating heart, drumming uncontrollably. Without a pause, without rest. It is not for me to control, but it is the one which controls me.


The cold breeze swiftly touches my bare skin and I shivered. Not because it is cold and I've felt it too, instead, it's as if I heard it whispers something undeniably stupid like: I'm sorry, please forgive me.

The words I've been waiting to hear. And I immediately will the thought out of my mind.

"...so cold." I diverted my gaze to the girl standing near me. Her hair gracefully danced to the rhythm of the wind. Her arms wrapped around her and her eyes are still fixed on the fireworks, focusing. And just like in those romantic movies, a guy appeared just behind her. He stared at her for a second and shook his head.

"Tss. I told you to bring a jacket. You didn't listen. Come here."

Just like that, he then wrapped his arms around her and the next second, they are hugging each other. I automatically looked up. The view is not for me to see but for them to cherish.


I never had a perfect relationship like in those fairytales, so I write my own fantasies, instead. The seasons have come and go. And everything changes. I'm a writer now, I have published four books already and I'm aiming for my fifth.

It had been six years. And it had been four years and four months since I left home, since I bade farewell to the country. Something happened to me while I was there, so they sent me here in this place. The place where they thought I'll be safe but no, this is the place where my heart has been totally broken. Totally shattered like in one of those fragile glasses dropped from a five-storey building, smashing to the ground as gravity continuously pull them.


Something vibrated. I searched for my phone. Unlocked it and stared at the screen. "Hello.." My voice stays calm. I heard her sigh at the other line, I wasn't supposed to since the fireworks haven't stopped. "Ven, why aren't you there yet? He's already waiting for you. Wait, what's with the noise---"

"Listen, I'm coming okay? Tell him not to worry. I just dropped by for a second." And then I can imagine her rolling her eyes heavenwards imagining something like, Oh, you're there again. In that place for god's sake! I already expected her to be mad but she didn't. She just released a sigh again. My heart skipped a beat. She understands.

"Fine. Just hurry up. Don't make him disappointed."

"Alright. Bye."

I put my phone back on my pocket. Tonight, I'll be leaving this place. Tonight will be my last time watching this tower as close as this, as tall and magnificient as this.

I'm coming home: Philippines. The setting of my fifth story.

I took a glimpse of the wonderful view one last time. The fireworks slowly, one by one, faded, making the sky clear and the stars, brilliantly shining.

I walked away, continuously, step by step as the view became smaller and smaller. Until the Eiffel Tower was now out of sight.


Goodbye Paris.




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