
by Blair

" I love you."  He whispered.

"I love you."   The voice said again and louder this time around...

Too much a price for little ambition

Too much a price for little ambition
by Blair

He was standing on the roof top of a row house, this was where it had all started; it was only appropriate that it should end at the same place.

He stood with painful tears looking into nothing; he wasn't in the least embarrased...


by Blair

It was a hot Saturday afternoon, I had just managed to survive the ordeal at the market and happy that I was on my way to board a bus back home.

I stood under the scorching sun with the heavy polyethylene plastic bag which made no...


by Blair

I have been in my school for quite enough time to know my way around and I can still remember the first day I entered the school library. I can equally recall vividly how I fled with the speed of light when I first saw the flight of staircase,can...

Dear journal

Dear journal
by Blair

It was 5: 30 am in the streets of Lagos, Nigeria. The birds were just beginning to get ready to sing to acknowledge the day, the heavens just beginning to wake up thus heralding the wake of a new day, the cold chill of it showing that it would be...