Wheat penny wishes...
I wished for you on a wheat penny,
when the night had curtained the sliver of pearl perfectly hung in the sky
And I had flipped it into a wished on puddle of muddled rain after picking it heads up from the sidewalk
The next thing I know
I wake to see you glowing
Emitting such a light
That I was sweating beside you
And blinded
I think we woke the neighbors
With primal screams embedded in electric beams that fed into power lines and under the pavement even
Tickling tree roots toes as they grope for some of that shine
A bottled up sun carbonated and shaken one too may times
And then opened up on the sky like it didn't know it was coming
flooding the cloudscape And sublimating the substrate of every atom,
every structure,
every pattern of behavior named after the way you take a smile and display it
and bound only by the coil of skin And lips that it is wrapped within
I want to be the atoms, the nuclei that split
And multiplied and then revisited to make the chambered organ that gives you life
And then continue my way in flight
To be the butterflies that flutter around the inside of your belly tonight
The vibration that begins as a seed above your heart
And rises when fully groaned out of chest departed
to make your throat burst into falsetto
Racing with your heart rate and turning your pulse instrumental
My tongue can incite your whole body to riot
And certain parts it can wrestle to keep them quiet
And when I'm done I will stop
I will drop and roll
For all the time spent within a fire born environment
I'm easily ignited
But only for your fire will I inspire ember to these coals