The Chance

by mischievousPrincess
Krystel Faye is a nineteen year old Freshman College student who almost had everything in life, wealth, friends, happy family and a prestigious school. What else could she asked for? She almost had everything a girl wish to have except for one thing, She never had a boyfriend.
She’s contented for her life until Dallin Dale a close friend of her, claiming to be her best friend, started courting her. Courtship .That’s not new to her. She had a lot of suitor way back in high school but none of them received a yes from her, not because she isn’t ready but because she doesn’t want to be in a relationship where she couldn’t foresee the future with it. But now, Dale is different. She knew him so well. They’ve been so close and she knew his story. Now, she is faced with a decision that may change her life forever .Decision that will commemorate her past and will dictate her future.
Is this decision a chance for her to correct the past or will she do the same mistake again?
Will she take the risks?

(Author's Note:
The Chance is a short story composed of a few chapters which I will be posting for the next few days or weeks maybe. Hope you’ll follow the story and please do not hesitate to put your comments..

Cover is not yet final ...
Please Read the upcoming chapters of this story for the whole story :)
Hope you'll enjoy and keep updated...

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