Respect of Womens

by Muhammad Owais
There was a bath in Madinah. In which the dead women were not bathed and they were cremated. Once upon a time a woman who died was brought in for bathing. He was given a bath and a woman called the deceased woman.  Ink is adulterated and a toddler below his waist. But the hand of the woman who killed the equalizer and the woman, where he was stabbed. The women tried very hard but did not break the hand.  That was weird.  The hand of a living woman is affixed to the hand of a dead woman. What should be done separately now? The deceased must also be buried. Her relatives will be disturbed separately.  They advised the jurists. Some suggested that the hand of the living woman should be cut off and separated.  Nothing can be disrespected.

 And will make you disabled for life.
 The governor of the city and the governor was appreciative of Imam Malik and convinced him of his understanding and understanding. He said that he could not make any decision until I could talk to Imam Malik about this.  They heard that the woman's body should be cut off and that no part of the dead woman's body should be separated.  Beyond the Shari'ah limit. So the Sharia limit that is to be imposed, ie the same whip.  One or two, ten, fifty, sixty-seven, but for 79 cents, the hand of the living woman was affixed to the lower part of the body of the dead woman.
The woman is truly holy and respected "if she meets the standard of Islam and good parental training -
 And if she does not do so, it will be the same as what is happening to the women of Western society today,humiliated in the name of freedom!
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