Question Policy

by ILLPolicy
Policy is the normal day to day protocol.

To follow policy is as simple as following the rules, but what happens when the people writing policy only care about themselves and their own well being.

It’s important to think about how each and every policy effects the people around you not just you.

When it’s legal to spend unlimited amounts of money on what is essentially propaganda to pass laws and elect representatives of populations that’s when you know something is fundamentally wrong in government.

When businesses are allowed to fire employees for attempting to form unions to get fair wages, living wages.

That’s when you know your representatives only care about themselves and their future.

When they start to reach out to businesses more than the people. Who do they represent?

When businesses that gross billions of dollars are given tax revenue for no apparent reason. Isn’t that obvious corruption?

When a country spends billions of dollars annually on security contracts, not its own military, but private companies connected to the representatives in government. Isn’t that worthy of independent investigation?

Representatives and businesses can start off so genuine and well supported by the people, but when they start creating policy for self-preservation at the cost of other people’s well being there’s a word for that.

All around me I see corruption becoming policy.
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