Plastic Doll

by purpletears
Glittering like a diamond, there she was,
A once very humble spirit,
Now looking down on everybody.

Fame left her blind,
Unable to see
Anything beyond her ego.

Champagne showers
To ease a troubled mind,
Hiding behind a fake smile.

Never-ending runaways
To drown the lingering sadness
That comes from an empty soul.

Forget about your past life,
And just try to fake it;
Fake it until you make it.

After all, they don´t care about you,
Or about your inner pain,
They only care about themselves.

Now you are a only a plastic doll,
Designed to please
Their every whim.
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August 17, 2015 - 12:23 hmm.what a poem have totally discribed the inner self of those in the entertainment industry.nice one.really loved it

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