Shoot! What am I to do it’s the first week of classes and I still have no idea what I should do with my life. That’s the thought that went through my head my first day of college but don’t worry too much, after a little bit of time you too will
Pick Your College Major!
Shoot! What am I to do it’s the first week of classes and I still have no idea what I should do with my life. That’s the thought that went through my head my first day of college but don’t worry too much, after a little bit of time you too will figure out what academic path is right for you. It’s a big decision to try and pick a college major at 18 years of age. Whatever you decide on will ultimately determine what path you will go down. So, if you’re feeling a little stress that’s typical. Many people will wait for a semester of even a full year before they decide what is right for them. Some will switch there degree many times before finally graduating with that all important diploma. I don’t necessarily agree with that but don’t be afraid to switch your career path if you realize that you don’t like what you are learning and despise going to your classes.
I personally had my career path all picked out by the time I went to school, but I also admittedly spent the whole summer before my freshman year worrying about what field I should go into. So, if you are upset or confused, don’t think there’s something wrong with you. Most high schools spent their whole time prepping kids for college, but as soon as they get to college they have no idea as to what career they would like to pursue. I personally believe that high schools should be more responsible for not just prepping their students for college, but also for giving students a better idea of all the aspects a particular career entails. That would help with fitting people into the right positions in the world. So many people go down a particular path in life and they realize too far down the road that the career they selected is no longer right for them. And because of this, many students stop learning, and start using various ways and services, like Paperell, in order to just perform the task, and not learn. If this is you, don’t worry. Realize that there are a lot of transition paths that make it easy to switch around in the world without having to spent another 4 years of your life trapped in school.
After I picked my specific career; I didn’t feel good or joyful. Because of the future that lied ahead; I felt even worse and more stressed than before. Was it the right one should I go back and switch it? Still to this day I question if it was the right decision. Hopefully, you won’t feel that way but if you do your no worse off than I am. Keep in mind the benefits of your particular college major and realize what you won’t be able to do if you hadn’t picked that specific college major that you did choose. Just come to peace with the fact that whatever path you choose you can always change it.
My college major is cellular and molecular biology. The reason I selected that particular major was because of my interest in Biology. The only thing I ever enjoyed in high school was biology. So, naturally when I came to college I knew I had to do something of the sort. There were many different science majors to choose from. Most of them were biology based so it took me some time to figure out what I really wanted to do with my biology degree once I got out of school. I saw myself working in a lab or going on to graduate school to pursue other endeavors such as medicine, dentistry, teaching, or getting some kind of higher education. After the long night I spent reading on all the different positions I would ascertain from each particular degree, Winona State University was the one for me.
What can I do with this degree?
Really it allows me to do a lot of different things. I could pursue clinical, bench, or even community based research right out of college. I wouldn’t necessarily have to go on to more schooling. At the time when I needed to pick a major, I knew I wanted to go to graduate school. Still to this day I plan on going on to some sort of graduate school. What particular graduate programs, I still have not a clue. I mentioned medicine, dental, teaching as a professor somewhere, or really any kind of graduate school/PHD program. My field is very difficult; however it prepares any student who graduates with this certain degree very well. The most important thing for you to keep in mind is what you are going to be doing with your degree when you graduate. Are you going to be going to more school, working for a multimillion dollar business, teaching students, directing plays, or even making pop sickly sticks on the street for pennies? I not picking on anyone just realize that not all degrees are good choices to pick. I have some personal opinions that I will share with you in another article but for now I will leave you with this. You can go wherever you want to go in life just realize that it’s up to you to pick a worthwhile major to get there.
Choosing a specialty really depends on you. You really just need to ask yourself a few simple questions to really know which field might give you the most enjoyment.
What is policy? It’s what you are told to do, by someone of authority, in a specific situation.
A story inspired by a true life incident
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Man's life can of often like a hell and it is difficult to reach safety. Only faith in the Almighty will help us find the path to eternal peace and satisfaction.