Only Blue

by purpletears
Martina went by the river, trying to find a little bit of precious truth. The young lady just wanted that mirror of pristine water to reflect something that showed her true self. Having lived so many years in the city left Martina´s heart a little bit dried. She just wanted to recover a little bit of the happiness that made her childhood days so bright. Maybe going for a swim into a little river wasn´t a very orthodox way to recover a bit of the happiness lost, but certainly, it was a good start.
Tiny blue drops filled every inch of Martina’s tired body. It was such a intense and enjoyable sensation. A blue-tinted spiral washed away the worries from Martina’s soul.
Fresh touch that purified the darkness-filled souls. It was almost like having a chance to be reborn. Maybe it was only water, yet, it was able to calm even the more restless spirits. After spending a few minutes playing in the water, Martina couldn´t help smiling like a little child. Yes, her life was still filled with all kind of troubles; from unpaid bills to pending work that needed to be done as soon as possible. However, the sweet touch of the crystalline water made her troubles look smaller than ever.
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June 23, 2015 - 08:47 Sweet. Nice :D


December 6, 2019 - 21:29 i am miss brenda i have private disscusion with you via at my email (

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