Girl...Lost? (part 7)

by purpletears
“How in the hell I am going to find some kind of answer, if I don´t know what I am doing here?” she screamed, waiting for somebody to reply. But the only thing that she heard was the echo of her own voice. After fighting with her mother, she said that it would be amazing to be left alone for a long while. Now, she was on a place that looked like an ethereal dream. There, everything looked as if it were made of clouds and a bit of glittery dust. But for her, that forest looked like the same hell.
“I would give my everything to be able to come back home!” she cried, as bitter tears fell off her eyes.
As she said those words, something strange happened. Among all that dense darkness, a little sunbeam began to shine. Alice couldn´t believe what she was seeing. That small thread of light looked like a tiny diamond shining among piles of dirt.
“What the hell was that?” the blonde wondered.
She wished for that ray of sun to last longer, but it quickly faded away.
“Why? The only thing I really want is to go home, to see if I can fix something of my mistakes”, the blonde cried again.
As she finished talking, the earth under her feet began shaking…
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