Fanny Or Not is a Fan fiction story of a 5 male friends.Ban the good son,Red the cool looking,Greg the annoying,Ted the angry one.Jack the house owner.
inspired by the romance of Killian Jones and Emma Swan
Just Once I wanted someone afraid of loosing me......
They say a lot can happen when you turn eighteen. Well, maybe not. Because for me, I'm still me with that same dream since I was a child. I still hold on to that dream even when my friends had already turned their backs on me. I still hold on to...
The story of a young man using love as a means of escapism from a dark past
(the content that you are about to read might be disturbing. but if you realize, the red riding hood tale was more shockingly terrible for kids)
Red riding hood comes home with a basket of berries. Her grandmother was in the...
It's Friday evening,10 March,2015
Angela was studing hard as her half yearly exam was knocking the door(here, her exam was knocking the door means her exam is near.)She was writing and memorizing some of her lessons....