Enjoying It (for Her) PART 3

by purpletears
“There´s a huge difference between enjoying being watched and having some fun and being a shameless flirt. Such fools! If they only knew!” Kathy said to herself. In her young life, she noticed that a huge present of men can´t see when a woman is not interested in them. Also, the young brunette wasn´t totally sure that there would be no possible way for her to enjoy something as dull as having a cheap hookup. How could she do it, when she already had a taste of the sweetest form of perfection? There was no way in hell she could feel good with a short-lasting love. Kathy´s soul had a chance to experiment a sensation that made her feel lighter inside. No one of those boys could make her feel that way, and she knew it. Then, what was doing a girl like her, dancing on a nightclub like that? The reason was simple, yet, kind of hard to understand, especially for all of those simple-minded hearts at the nightclub. They only want nothing but a plastic illusion, nothing but a meaningless moment. Such fools! If they could have only a little taste of perfection, instead of just enjoying something so empty!
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