
by mariyan stein
born on 14 march

did not prayed on the church

invented the theory of relativity

used to love the scientific diversity

known for e=MC two

number of wife was two

first was true love

second was husband's love

was hated by Hitler

gained respect even from butler

though Germany was the motherland

u.s.a was the safest land

only because of nazi army

nuclear bomb's name was little boy

which handicapped.......

Nagasaki and Hiroshima's boys

brain was big than normal human

was also a people of great sense of humor

name of this person is Albert Einstein

who is also loved by Frankenstein

18 April is the mourning day

because it is the death day

Einstein was a great scientist of physics department.He was born in Germany in 14 march .His invention theory of relativity that is e=MC 2 take the world to a unknown theory..But he had to suffer a lot because of Nazi army due to being the follower of religion Jew. He was forced to leave his motherland and to take shelter in u.s.a.He left his remaining life in u.s.a and accepted martyrdom in 14 April in new jersey.Einstein is the past but his invented theory and inspiration should be the future of the world.
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June 21, 2015 - 11:21 Hey!! Like the idea!! I mean it was so easy easy to remember him through this simple and nicely written poem. Great Job.
Ramisa Anjum

Ramisa Anjum

June 21, 2015 - 18:09 Mariannnn(Dhora) my best friend.Awsome poem dost.LOVE U. -RAMISA ANJUM♥:-*

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