Dogs and Goats

by abbywookie
[This is an Indian fable]

The King had been confused about something for a long time, so he mused out loud to his minister, “In terms of productivity, dogs are always leading when compared to goats. But how come, we see only herds of goats around instead of packs of dogs?”

The minister stroked his chin, thinking hard. Finally, he came up with an idea. “Your Majesty, allow me to carry out an experiment and you shall have the answer soon.”

The King agreed. And so, the minister proceeded to lock a pack of dogs in a house, where there was a big basket of pancakes. The minister then locked a herd of goats in the other house with a basket of hay. Guards were called to watch over the house. The King was confused even more, but he decided to wait.

The next morning, they came back to the two houses, and the King was astounded by what he saw. The dogs had fought to death, and the big basket of pancakes hadn’t been touched at all. On the other hand, the goats were all cuddling up sleeping soundly together, the basket of hay empty. The King was speechless for awhile.

“So you see, Your Majesty,” the minister began, “The dogs are always fighting amongst themselves but the goats seem to be quite the opposite. That’s why goats flourish in bigger numbers, Your Majesty,” the minister concluded.

The King couldn’t decide if he should be happy or sad with the answer.

Moral: We humans are the same. We can’t prosper if we can’t share.
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