Captious Monsters

by Dr.Blossom
With hearts and minds like chambers
That have secrets so deep.
Some dark, some darker;
It will make you creep.

Not everyone is what they pose to be,
It's all just a faux.
A droopy face is what they wish to see
And be the fairest of them all.

Beware my friend!
For a simple question, a simple thought;
Will be turned by this fiend,
Into an unhappy cause.

With malice, grudge and spite,
They aim to judge and criticise.
These Nose-full Voldemorts will say They're nice,
But in fact, they are captious monsters
In disguise.

Note; *Fairest of them all* is a reference to Snow White's evil stepmother, who was malicious of her stepdaughter's beauty.
Malice is one of the traits of judgmental people.

Nose-full Voldemort is sarcasm to the fact that Voldemort actually doesn't have a nose xD

Captious: Someone who's inclined to find faults and raise objections.

Fiend: A wicked person
(Meanings from Merriam Webster)
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Sharmishtha Shenoy

Sharmishtha Shenoy

January 9, 2017 - 06:56 Hope you do not mean our very own FieNd here . ;-)

Just joking of course!
Love you Typotic FieNd


January 9, 2017 - 11:37 Hahaha ;)


June 2, 2017 - 19:54 i am miss yashita ghazi i have a proposal for you via at (

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