Baaba: Chapter 8

by safohen
Asabea struggled to steady her heartbeat as the four armed kakai moved menacingly towards her. Five arrow length steel needles erupted from its fingertips and flew towards her but Efua swung her machetes, blocking the attack.

The kakai lunged at her with its afowatsena which she blocked with her machetes. Their blades clashed several times with such force that sparks rained down on the forest floor.

The kakai easily pushed against her and swung again and again, forcing her backwards. It swung downwards at her head viciously, slashing his straw hat and striking steel as the asafo blocked the blow that would have split her head.

It then drew out a serrated spear from its left shoulder blade and swung and spun it at Efua as she nimbly dodged its serrated edges. She blocked its lethal spins, then swung at it with such force that the spear was knocked out of its grasp. It leaned back to avoid a slash from her , drew out two pitch black machetes from its elbows and slashed her belly

She fell to the ground with a dull thud. The kakai stood over the captain, its bloodstained machetes raised to deliver the killing blow then it leapt backwards as five arrows flew towards it.

Asabea fired more arrows at the kakai which it dodged as it raced towards her. Efua rolled to her left, staggered to her feet and unsheathed her afowatsen before lunging at the kakai. The kakai noticed this and rolled to its left, avoiding Asabea's arrows and Efua's afowatsen.

As it peeled away, it let off 10 needles, five of which hit Efua and the remainder got Asabea. The kakai’s eyes widened in shock as the duo continued their advance toward it. Both of them swung at the kakai with their weapons but it blocked them with its own weapons.

They both forced it back but it then began to counterattack, forcing both of them back as they struggled to block its quick strikes,before fighting back. They made a sudden lunge at it from both sides in a synchronized attack and slashed its left arm. It suddenly struck at the two asafo, wounding them in the shoulders.

A kakai wielding twin ekumapraban (long handled axes) in a sidestepped Kuukua's arrows .Several asafo were strewn across the forest floor, steel needles piercing their sides and limbs glinted in the morning sun. It pushed Kuukua to the ground and caught two of Naarkie’s arrows between its teeth and a third in its fingertips.

‘For the last time, tell me where Baaba is,' it roared before flinging the arrows at lightning speed into Kuukua's right shoulder!’. Kuukua staggered to her feet and swung her dual afowanta (machete like sword) at the kakai but it raised its left leg and stopped the swing with its clawed feet!
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