It was the thirteenth day of December, the year was 1999. Gwen awoke that morning thinking it was going to be a good day. She was Five and a half months pregnant. Then all of the sudden she had a frightening feeling going on . She knew there was something wrong, but she wasn't sure what. It scared her enough that a call was made to her mother and off to the emergency room they went. Her regular Doctor met them there. 'I knew this was going to happen I just didn't know when." The Doctor had said to her. Gwen had no idea of what he was even talking about. They admitted her into the hospital. She laid there and felt like she was going down hill way too fast. She kept feeling someone touch her on the back, but no one was really there. She told her mother, "Someone keeps touching me on the back." Her mother immediately got a nurse, and found out her blood pressure was like 268/150. Gwen was still clueless as to what was going on with her. They loaded her up in an ambulance and took her to a small airport to take her by plane to a better hospital. By this time Gwen was unable to see things the way they really look, everything was dark around the edges and tinted green. She would fall out, and come to for a second. She wasn't even worried, because every time her eyes opened she seen the person that made her feel like nothing could ever harm her and even if it did, it was alright as long as he was by her side. Then Gwen went out and was that way for several hours. When she awoke she felt like she was sinking or drowning in her own body. The sounds of her breathing out weighed her. Then she would go to sleep again. This time when she would open up her eyes, she would see her mother, and another lady standing in front of the window. After several times of waking and seeing these people she said, "mom who is that lady over there in the window?' "What lady?" her mother replied. "The one that has been standing there all day."said Gwen. " I don't see any one Gwen, I have been the only one in here." "You can't see her? She is standing there right now." Gwen spoke harshly. The doctors opened up the door and interrupted. They wheeled Gwen out of the room and down the hall, and Gwen kept turning her head from side to side there were so many people every where and it was very strange, because it was like all the sound from their voices had an echoing as if they were far away. Yet they were right there crowding her. When the doctors made it to the operating room with her they left the room and the people vanished. The light above her was stainless and she could see the reflection of all the people around her, but when she looked side to side she was freaking out because there was no body there. Then everything was black, Gwen heard a cry of a little baby, but they wouldn't let her see the child. The child weighed 2 pounds 3 ounces. When they got Gwen stable, they said "would you like to see your baby?" Her husband pushed her in a wheel chair and when she first laid her eyes upon this child her first thought was "We have to give her a name. We have to name her right now, while she is still here." Gwen was in total shock, she had never pictured a baby to look like that. The baby girl looked like a shriveled, starved, elderly person that was the size of a rotisserie chicken. "Oh my goodness I can't believe she looks so poor." Thought Gwen. "We will name her Abbigail Rose." Abby was in the NICU. Despite the staples in her stomached, Gwen would walk 2 miles several times a day to see her new baby. She feared leaving her, because the thought of knowing that it could be her last. She left Abby one time to go back home and when she did, Abby had pulled her IV and nearly bled to death. There were several babies in the NICU their parents were not there the way that Gwen was for Abby. The other babies weren't doing so well either.. Abby was coming right along. It took 3 months of Abby staying in ICU to weigh 4 pounds. Gwen was so happy she got to take her baby girl, Abbigail Rose home.
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